Courses Search Results

Your search has returned 195 courses.

Career Management for Researchers @ Strathclyde     show
Career Management for Researchers @ Strathclyde is a blended course, combining online modules and Zoom discussion sessions, to help you explore career options and prepare you for the next stage of your career. A 4-week course - designed to address key career issues for researchers.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Finishing your PhD on Time     show
Participants learn a combination of project management and time management skills & methods applied specifically to the challenge of completing a high quality PhD thesis on time with minimal stress and anxiety. Increased confidence & optimism about completing their PhD thesis on time

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Managing your career - get that job!     show
Participants will….. gain the knowledge and skills to search, find and apply to suitable jobs and to be successful at interviews.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Postgraduate Research: Introduction to Teaching     show
The courses has been developed by the Researcher Development Team specifically for PGRs who will undertake teaching during their time at Strathclye.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

A Career in Academia     show
Participants will discover what it takes to make it as an academic and will have the opportunity to talk to early career academics about their experiences.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

A Guide to Reflective Writing     show
Participants will understand what is meant by reflective writing, how to do it, and the benefits it can bring.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Advanced Project Management     show
Participants will be introduced to tried and tested management techniques for dealing with complex and collaborative projects.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

AFHEA information session for PGRs who Teach     show
Information session for Postgraduate Researchers who Teach wishing to apply for Associate Fellowship of the HEA.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Researchers who Teach

Apply Design Thinking to your Research     show
Participants will be introduced to the basic principles of design thinking.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Bidding for Business     show
Bidding for Business Workshop

Target Audience: All Staff

Business Beyond the Bottom Line     show
Participants will examine how to make a living that is aligned with their personal motivations, and consider business and enterprise from that angle.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

CAPM Exam Preparation     show
This course provides revision of the project management tools and techniques necessary to pass the CAPM examination.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Careers Beyond Research: Applying your Skills outside Academia     show
Participants will explore a number of careers and what particular options might be compatible with individuals.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Commercialising Research at Strathclyde     show
Participants will gain the knowledge necessary for translating academic research, or their own ideas, into commercially viable opportunities through the understanding of intellectual property, basic business model development and the commercialisation process at the University.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students, Early Career Researchers

Communicating with Confidence: Nerves, Resilience and Pro-Resilience     show
Designed around the issues and complexities of confidence -and dealing with it’s absence- with games and professional activities to help postgraduates focus on what they want out of their life and how to start building the structures to attain those long term personal visions.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Communicating with Confidence: Networking Skills, Assertiveness     show
An interactive day of activities and presentations to help postgraduate students build their personal networking strategies for long term career success and to understand the workings of power and influence in professional relationships

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Communicating with Confidence: Preparing for the Viva     show
Participants will learn exactly what a typical Viva would be like and what they can do to prepare for it.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Communicating with Confidence: Public Speaking for PGRs - Beginners     show
Learn how to present yourself and your work authentically with confidence and impact.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Communicating with Confidence: Public Speaking for PGRs - Intermediate     show
Learn how to connect with complex and demanding audiences.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Communicating with Confidence: Working with Nerves and Confidence     show
Participants will learn to communicate effectively and at all stages of a research career through learning the tools to help communicate and act effectively and assertively whatever the setting.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Communicating with General Audiences     show
In this highly interactive and dynamic course participants will gain the knowledge and skills to adapt and present their research work authentically and with impact and engagement to a variety of audiences outside the academic bubble.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Communicating your research to a general audience     show
Participants will learn how to communicate complex topics in accessible ways; use your creativity; and know your audience. Participants will create a 1‐2 minute video that explains a complex topic to a general audience.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Complying with EPSRCs Policy Framework on Research Data     show
This course will introduce researchers to the stipulations made by EPSRC in relation to research data when in receipt of their funding for research.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Creating a Good Supervision Relationship     show
The relationship between the PhD student and their supervisors is the backbone of the PhD process.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Creating Effective Poster Presentations     show
Participants will learn the basic principles behind poster design.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Creating Research Data Management Plans     show
Participants will get help to answer their questions about data management planning and lead them through the process of completing a plan.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Student

Creative Problem Solving - Online     show
Participants will learn a number of tools that help them generate ideas for solving real problems.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Creative Tools you can use every day     show
Creative tools you can use every day

Target Audience: PGR Students

Cyber Security Awareness (Students)     show
This is a self-paced course aimed at developing a broad awareness of Cyber Security issues.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Data Management Plans: Workshop     show
This workshop will guide researchers through the rudiments of research data management planning and will look at the various tools & methods available when implementing/embedding a DMP into a project.

Target Audience: Researchers (staff & PGR students)

Developing an Effective Relationship with Your Supervisor     show
The relationship between research student and supervisor is critical to your PhD.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Developing Your Voice in your Academic Writing     show
Participants will learn a range of techniques to help develop their own personal style in their academic writing.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Developments in the International Vertically Integrated Project (VIP)     show
Since its inception a few years ago the Vertically Integrated Project Consortium (of which Strathclyde is a founding member) has grown considerably taking in new programs in South East Asia and the Far East.

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Digital + Global Engagement     show
Help shape the future of useful learning

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Digital + Operational Excellence     show
Help shape the future of useful learning

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Digital + Outstanding Education and Student Experience     show
Help shape the future of useful learning.

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Digital + Transformative Innovation and Impact     show
Help shape the future of useful learning

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Digital + World-leading Research     show
Help shape the future of useful learning

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Elsevier Researcher Academy seminar     show
How to write a great research paper, and get it accepted by a good journal.

Target Audience: PhD Students, Staff, Researchers and Library staff

Elsevier Researcher Academy: How to Write a Great Research Paper     show
How to Write a Great Research Paper, and Get it Accepted by a Scholarly Journal

Target Audience: PhD Students, Staff, Researchers and Library staff

Engaging Beyond Academia: Industry, Networking and Opportunity Online     show
Participants will be introduced to various aspects of engagement with external organisations, including industry.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Engaging in Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research     show
Participants will learn about the latest thinking behind Interdisciplinary Collaborate Research (ICR), followed by an introduction to some useful frameworks to aid practical engagements in this form of research.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Enterprise, Commercialisation and Intellectual Property     show
Enterprise, Commercialisation and Intellectual Property

Target Audience: Academic & Research Staff

Fast Track to Impact     show
Participants will be given access to weekly exercises to fast track their impact no matter what discipline they work in.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Fear of the Blank Page     show
Participants will be introduced to how to start writing and how to keep motivated planning your writing and finishing

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Finding and Accessing Open Access Resources     show
Interested in learning more about finding and using Open Access resources? Looking for articles relating to your research, but keep hitting paywalls? Or are you unsure about using Open Access resources for your assignments?

Target Audience: Undergraduate or postgraduate students, but any staff or students are welcome to attend.

Getting Published in Academic Journals     show
Participants will practice a range of writing techniques to aid them in developing a repertoire of writing strategies for journal writing, draft journal abstracts and draft outlines.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Getting the Most out of Your Supervisory Relationship     show
This workshop will explore the dynamic between the Supervisor and Student to support positive relationships. This workshop can be used as a ‘Day-to-Day Supervision Skills’ option towards the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme.

Target Audience: All staff with a role in PG Research Supervision

Getting to Grips with Fellowships     show
Participants will learn why research grant applications require a different style of writing from papers and theses. They will learn a formula for a good grant application and a recipe for producing that formula.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Getting to Grips with Grant Writing     show
Participants will be introduced to grant writing and the process of writing winning research proposals.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Handling Questions at a Conference Presentation     show
Handling questions at a conference presentation No matter how well you prepare for your presentation, the part that freaks out most researchers is question time.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Horizon Europe – Essentials/Submitting Competitive Funding Application     show
Submission of successful applications to EU Horizon Europe programme (2021-2027). Essential criteria to be addressed.

Target Audience: Research-Active Staff

Horizon Europe - ODA-type Funding Opportunities     show
Funding for ODA-type research in Horizon Europe. EU research funding relating to the economic development and social welfare of Lower and Middle Income Countries.

Target Audience: Research-Active Staff of the University

How to address some of researchers’ pressing questions with Scopus     show
This live demonstration introduces Scopus as a tool for research students and researchers who need access to the latest relevant research. It is aimed at beginners and intermediate users.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Students, Academic staff, Researchers, and Library staff

How to be an Effective Researcher     show
A doctorate is about becoming an independent researcher. This is about mastery in your discipline, but it is also about developing other skills. This session explores the skills and working practices you can implement to achieve success in you research and doctorate.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

How to be an Effective Researcher (1 Day)     show
A doctorate is about becoming an independent researcher. This is about mastery in your discipline, but it is also about developing other skills. This session explores the skills and working practices you can implement to achieve success in you research and doctorate.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

How to do a PhD     show
This programme is to make sense of the PhD experience, work over critical aspects of it and give you tools to thrive in its ups and downs.

Target Audience: PGR Students

How to get published in a scholarly journal: top tips from a publisher     show
You’ve completed your research and want to publish your work in a peer-reviewed journal. Are you wondering where to start? This seminar will cover how to get published in a scholarly journal, with top tips from the publisher.

Target Audience: Postgraduate students, Early Career Researchers.

How to manage your research data     show
The following on-line training course is provided by RDMS and provides an introduction to research data management.

Target Audience: Staff and Postgraduates

Immortalising your Research: Ethics, Sharing and Being Open     show
Participants will be introduced to a number of different platforms have recently been developed to facilitate the data sharing and distribution process.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Improving Supervision Conversations     show
This workshop will focus on having better quality supervision conversations. This workshop can be used as a ‘Day-to-Day Supervision Skills’ option towards the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme.

Target Audience: All staff with a role in PG Research Supervision

Information Drop in Session - Strathclyde Supervisor Development Prog     show
This open session is an opportunity to meet with a member of the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme team to discuss the new programme and how this supports Supervisor development at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: All staff with a role in PG Research Supervision

Inspec Analytics     show
An interactive session looking at a research intelligence tool for physics, engineering and technology.

Target Audience: Open to all staff and students. The session will most benefit research staff, research students, library staff and strategic managers.

Intellectual Property For Researchers     show
Do you understand how IP effects your research or where to go for support? Intellectual Property is important when considering opportunities to create impact. Whether your goal is for cultural, social or economic impact, IP can support your outcomes.

Target Audience: All Staff, Early Career Researchers, Post-graduate Researchers, and anyone else interested in learning more about Intellectual Property

Interdisciplinary Collaboration (Online)     show
Participants will learn about the latest thinking behind Interdisciplinary Collaborate Research.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Introduction to LaTeX     show
Participants will be introduced to the LaTeX package for scientific word-processing and type-setting.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Introduction to Project Planning (1 day)     show
This intense full-day online training session provides a high level overview of key PM techniques and concepts in one day, and offers an introduction to the process of managing projects and the tools to assist in planning and tracking progress.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Introduction to Project Planning (series)     show
Part 1 examines how to initially identify the building blocks for a successful project. Part 2 builds on the previous topics to begin to craft the scope or the outputs of the project. Part 3 looks at the process of creating a rigorous and robust project plan.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Introduction to Research Data Management and Sharing     show
Participants will introduce researchers to the concepts involved in research data management and sharing as well as what the Strathclyde approach is and what practical steps you should take to ensure you are following best practice.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Introduction to ScienceDirect: More than a full text platform     show
This webinar will cover the advantages of using ScienceDirect as a search platform, as well as useful features and tips and tricks to help you be more efficient in your research.

Target Audience: All Students, Academic staff, Researchers, and Library staff

Introductory Training for PGRs who Teach     show
Participants will be given an induction to the skills and attitudes required to teach at the University of Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Invitation to Strathclyde Doctoral School Roadshow 24 February 2-3pm     show
Professor Eleanor Shaw, Associate Principal and Director of Strathclyde Doctoral School (SDS) invites you to come along to this session find out more about SDS.

Target Audience: Faculty of Science

IP for Researchers: Unlock the potential of your intellectual property     show
This workshop will develop knowledge and understanding of intellectual property and its potential for PhD and early career researchers during their research projects in order to generate the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs on how to develop, use and respect IP.

Target Audience: PhD's and Early Career Researchers

Job Interview Techniques     show
Participants will gain a better understanding of the purpose of an interview, what interviewers are really looking and how to prepare effectively.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Keeping on Top of Your PhD: Time Management Strategies (1 day)     show
In this online course, participants will firstly learn their personal time management style, and understand how to work with this to avoid the factors that may have undermined their ability to manage their time to date.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Kick-Off Your PhD - Information Session     show
Fistral Training is delighted that the University of Strathclyde is giving early-stage PhDs the opportunity to access our Kick-Off Your PhD resources.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Knowledge Exchange: Monetising Your Research and Ideas     show
Knowledge Exchange: Monetising Your Research and Ideas Through Collaboration, Impact, IP Protection and Commercialisation.

Target Audience: Postgraduate students, researchers and staff

Leadership & Teambuilding     show
In this course participants will learn a range of well-established leadership frameworks in order to understand what makes good leadership.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Library Lounge: Finding and Accessing Open Access Resources     show
Interested in learning more about finding and using Open Access resources? Join our informal session hosted by staff from the Scholarly Publications and Research Data team.

Target Audience: Undergraduate or postgraduate students, but any staff or students are welcome to attend.

Library Lounge: Virtual Study Sessions.     show
An alternative way to study with other students in an online managed study environment. These virtual study sessions will help you to dedicate specific time to focus on your coursework whilst feeling connected and supported by studying alongside other students.

Target Audience: All students.

Marketing Yourself & Your PhD     show
Participants will gain an overview of how to present themselves effectively during professional networking events, on CVs and in application forms.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

MATLAB training     show
Basic and advanced training in MATLAB

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Navigating Peer Review     show
Participants will explore the peer review process.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Open Access and Research Data Management for Researchers     show
Participants will be introduced to Open Access, and be given practical help on the issues that researchers will face in their career.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Open Publications, Data, Engagement and Beyond     show
This session will explore what Open Research means in different contexts – from publications and data sharing to co-creation and public engagement. Participants will also learn more about what benefits the use of Open Research principles and practices will bring them.

Target Audience: All staff members and students involved in research

PG Essentials:Digital Scholarship Skills     show
Participants will develop their digital scholarship skills

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

PhD to Postdoc: Making the Transition     show
Participants will learn about becoming a post-doctoral researcher.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Planning your PhD     show
Participants will learn how to finish their PhD on time and enjoy the process along the way by utilising specific skills and tools. This workshop will introduce participants to the PhD Planning Toolkit.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Planning your Professional Development as a Researcher     show
Participants will gain insight into strategies for developing the skills needed for a successful doctoral research degree and career.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Postgraduate Researcher Induction     show
This session will provide you with an overview of the University, the support and services available to you and expectations of our postgraduate researchers.

Target Audience: First Year Postgraduate Research Students

Postgraduate Stop and Write     show
The aim of the postgraduate stop and write session is to provide you with dedicated time and space to focus on a your own writing project.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Researchers

Preparing for your Viva - Online     show
This online course aims to prepare you for your viva.

Target Audience: PGRs

Preparing to be an Examiner or Convener     show
The PhD viva is a core part of the examination of PhD students and yet there is very little written about, and training given, in how to effectively examine PhD students. For many examiners the only training will have been their own viva and learning from peers on the job.

Target Audience: All Academic Staff

Preparing Your Student for Viva     show
This session is designed to complement the training offered to Viva candidates at Strathclyde. This workshop can be used as a ‘Academic Writing & the Viva Voce Exam’ option towards the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme.

Target Audience: All staff with a role in PG Research Supervision

Presenting Online and Handling Questions at a Conference Presentation     show
Presenting on-line is a whole different consideration. How do you continue to present effectively, when most times, you cannot see or hear your audience. You still need to engage them and gain their participation.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Problem Solving in Reality     show
Wouldn’t it be nice if someone would provide us with the picture of a completed PhD project, showing a happy researcher, and a clear path to help us get there?

Target Audience: PGR Students

Problem Solving: Five Creative and Powerful Methods     show
Participants will learn a number of tools that help them generate ideas for solving real problems, help them respond constructively to the challenges they face, and develop a flexible and dynamic approach to problem solving.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Professional Networking for Researchers     show
Participants will explore networking strategies, engagement methods and how to "pitch" themselves and their ideas.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Research Bidding and Design - Getting Started - ONLINE     show
This class aims to enable research staff and early career academics starting out in research bidding and design to develop their knowledge, skills and abilities in development and submission of small, early career research proposals.

Target Audience: For research staff and early career academics starting out in research bidding and design. Individuals from other staff categories may also find this class useful if they are intending to apply for research funding.

Research Data Deposit in Pure and DOIs     show
This course will provide active researchers with a practical guide to depositing their research data in Pure and how to obtain a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for inclusion in a related publication Data Statement

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students in the latter stages of PhD, Research Staff

Research Integrity     show
Participants will learn about how to employ the highest standards of research integrity. You will be introduced to potential pitfalls and how to avoid your authority as a researcher being undermined by your own actions or the actions of others.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Research Integrity in Practice     show
This highly interactive workshop is suitable for those looking to explore such questions, to enhance their own professional knowledge and conduct, and those wanting to learn from the conduct of others also.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Research Integrity Online     show
Participants will explore all aspects of Research integrity

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Research Interns Poster Event     show
An event to celebrate the outputs of research internships undertaken by undergraduate students in the summer of 2019.

Target Audience: Staff, students

Researchers Guide to Ethics     show
Participants will gain a good knowledge of ethics so that they recognise when ethics is a consideration in their own work and they have the skills to obtain ethics approval when necessary.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Resilience for Researchers     show
Participants will learn to use self-awareness to increase resilience, creativity and lead a more balanced research career.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Risk Management (1 day)     show
This online training course provides participants with tools and techniques to proactively identify and respond to risks within their own project environment.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Risk Management (series)     show
This two-part series of online training webinars aims to provide participants with tools and techniques to proactively identify and respond to risks within their own project environment.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Safe Talk     show
Suicide Awareness Training

Target Audience: Staff,Students+PG Researchers

SBS 2-Day Workshop & Retreat: Writing Your First Paper     show
This session is part of the SBS Writing Programme of Events. This course is for SBS PGR students and Staff who are early in their writing career. Day 1 is a Workshop and Day 2 is a Retreat.

Target Audience: SBS Staff & PGR early in their academic writing careers

SBS 2-Day Writing Workshop & Retreat     show
This course is part of the SBS Writing Programme of Events for all staff and PGR students. Day 1 is a writing workshop and day 2 is a writing retreat.

Target Audience: SBS Staff & PGR Students, Early Career Researchers

SBS Facilitators Workshop: How to Run a Writing Retreat     show
This session is part of the SBS Writing Programme of Events. This course is for SBS Staff who want to run Structured Writing Retreats.

Target Audience: SBS Staff

SBS Rhetoric and Composition Workshop     show
This course is part of the SBS Writing Programme of Events for all staff and PGR students.

Target Audience: SBS Staff & PGR Students

Scopus Yourself - Learn all about Scopus author profiles     show
Author level metrics may be used for tenure, funding and for other research performance based decisions; therefore, it is important to ensure your researcher profile reflects your information correctly.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Students, Academic staff, Researchers, and Library staff

Scopus: Understanding Research Metrics and using these responsibly     show
This lecture will provide a high-level understanding of some of the publication and citation metrics and how they are calculated.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Students, Academic staff, Researchers, and Library staff

SEES Gatherings: Research & Knowledge Exchange Services     show
A rolling programme of staff engagement sessions for all SEES staff which will provide opportunities for getting to know each other; providing updates; Q&A sessions; networking opportunities; greater understanding about the diversity of SEES; sharing best practice.

Target Audience: All SEES staff.

Spectacular Information and Visualising Data     show
Participants will be introduced to various types of visual formats including standard graphs, mapping data and infographics.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

SPIRAL - An Overview of EU Research Funding Opportunities     show
The course will cover the final calls of Horizon 2020, including MSCA Individual Fellowships; the European Green Deal call (actions linked to climate objectives); and Horizon Europe – the next European Framework Programme of Research 2021-2027 with a proposed budget of EUR 94.4bn.

Target Audience: Academic, research and research support staff at all levels, including potential Supervisors of MSCA Individual Fellows

SPIRAL - Applying for Post-Doctoral Fellowships     show
In this workshop you will find out what steps you should take, time frames, what a fellowship involves, international options, how to apply, the different types of fellowships available and how to use your connections to your advantage.

Target Audience: Early Career Research Staff / Postdocs

SPIRAL - Attract Research Funding; Writing & Applying For Fellowships     show
A career in research is exciting, varied and gives you the opportunity to be at the cutting edge of discovery in your chosen field, but it is a highly competitive environment and researchers from all over the world aspire to reach the top of the profession.

Target Audience: Postdocs

SPIRAL - Building Sustainable Research Partnerships     show
This practical workshop is for research leaders who would like to gain an overview and awareness of the key aspects of building sustainable research partnerships

Target Audience: Early Career Academics and Chancellor’s Fellows

SPIRAL - Careers Beyond Academia     show
There are a number of options outside of academia that are open to postdocs. Not everyone chooses to climb the academic ladder and many researchers are unaware of the variety of other options that are available.

Target Audience: Postdocs

SPIRAL - Careers Within & Beyond Academia: Planning a Research Career     show
Interested in continuing in research? Then it is never too early to start planning your career trajectory & thinking about the direction you want to go. Research is exciting, competitive & a challenging career choice requiring strategic planning, seeking opportunities & networking.

Target Audience: Postdocs

SPIRAL - Considering your Career Options     show
This webinar will provide participants with an overview of the possible career pathways, both academic and non-academic, available to research staff as well as how to progress along these tracks.

Target Audience: For Research Assistants, Research Associates and Research Fellows

SPIRAL - Digital Strategy & Communicating Your Research Online     show
This workshop is designed specifically for researchers who are looking to develop their online presence and boost their career prospects through social media.

Target Audience: Postdocs

SPIRAL - Engaging with Industrial Partners     show
This practical ½ day workshop is to support academics become more effective at engaging with industry partners. It has a specific focus on Research and KE activities within a consultancy role to the industrial partner.

Target Audience: For those who are engaging with industry partners

SPIRAL - EPSRC Open Fellowships Information Webinar     show
This information Webinar aims to support colleagues who are considering applying for an EPSRC Open Fellowship. Presentations will cover the application and assessment process, as well as the support available through the university.

Target Audience: For academics/researchers who are interested in applying for an EPSRC Open Fellowship

SPIRAL - Figures, Images & Visualising Information     show
This workshop is designed to introduce participants to various types of visual formats including standard graphs, information visualisations and graphics for publication.

Target Audience: Postdocs

SPIRAL - Hosting conferences and events     show
This session will give an overview of the venues and services available at the University for hosting conferences and events.

Target Audience: For those wishing to attract and host conferences and events at the University

SPIRAL - How to get started with Supervision     show
This workshop aims to support research staff who provide informal supervision to undergraduate, masters and doctoral students.

Target Audience: For Research Assistants, Research Associates and Research Fellows

SPIRAL - Impact and Influence     show
This lively and enjoyable session, run by VOX Coaching, will explore practical communication skills that will help you increase your confidence, become someone to whom others want to listen and achieve greater impact and influence.

Target Audience: Academic & Research Staff

SPIRAL - Leading and Managing Research Staff     show
This workshop explores how you take a structured approach to leading and managing research staff to get the best from your team.

Target Audience: Academic / Fellows / Senior Postdocs

SPIRAL – Managing & Supervising Researchers Peer Network     show
This peer network is designed to support those managing and supervising researchers.

Target Audience: Academic staff and all others involved in managing and supervising researchers

SPIRAL – Managing & Supervising Researchers Peer Network: April 2022     show
This is a Zoom session within the Managing & Supervising Researchers Peer Network, designed to support those managing and supervising researchers. It will focus on challenges and good practices around research integrity and authorship in the context of supervision or line management.

Target Audience: Academic staff and all others involved in managing and supervising researchers

SPIRAL – Managing & Supervising Researchers Peer Network: January 2022     show
This is a Zoom session within the Managing & Supervising Researchers Peer Network, designed to support those managing and supervising researchers. It will focus on challenges and good practices around giving constructive (and sometimes negative) feedback as a manager or supervisor.

Target Audience: Academic staff and all others involved in managing and supervising researchers

SPIRAL – Managing & Supervising Researchers Peer Network: June 2022     show
This is a Zoom session within the Managing & Supervising Researchers Peer Network, designed to support those managing and supervising researchers. It will focus on challenges and good practices around providing pastoral care as a supervisor or line manager.

Target Audience: Academic staff and all others involved in managing and supervising researchers

SPIRAL – Managing & Supervising Researchers Peer Network: March 2022     show
This is a Zoom session within the Managing & Supervising Researchers Peer Network, designed to support those managing and supervising researchers. It will focus on challenges and good practices around time and project management for supervisors or line managers.

Target Audience: Academic staff and all others involved in managing and supervising researchers

SPIRAL - Managing and Delivering Successful CPD Sessions     show
A highly practical full-day, fully online workshop for staff designing or delivering professional development sessions for external stakeholders (e.g. colleagues from other institutions, industry, government, etc.) with a focus on engagement and effectiveness.

Target Audience: For academics / researchers expected to deliver CPD sessions to groups of professionals

SPIRAL - Motivating and Developing Teams     show
This workshop will help you manage your research team to deliver successful projects, work effectively through your team delivering results and develop others' capability to perform. The workshop will offer a range of practical tools and approaches to extend your management skills.

Target Audience: Research leaders and those aspiring to be

SPIRAL - Preparing and Applying for Fellowships     show
This workshop will provide participants with information about types of fellowships, the application/selection processes and support available to those seeking to apply for fellowships at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: For Research Assistants, Research Associates and Research Fellows

SPIRAL - Project Management for Research and K.E.     show
This workshop will look at the tools and techniques used in managing research projects which will build processes and structures that support project delivery.

Target Audience: For academics / researchers managing projects

SPIRAL - Research Funding Peer Network     show
This peer network is designed to connect and support those involved or interested to become involved in research funding.

Target Audience: All staff members who are involved or would like to become involved in gaining and managing research funding

SPIRAL - Research Funding Peer Network - April 2022     show
This is a session of the Research Funding Peer Network, designed to connect and support those involved or interested to become involved in research funding.

Target Audience: All staff members who are involved or would like to become involved in gaining and managing research funding

SPIRAL - Research Funding Peer Network - January 2022     show
This is a session of the Research Funding Peer Network, designed to connect and support those involved or interested to become involved in research funding. It will focus on the lifecycle of funding applications and other topics relevant when writing proposals.

Target Audience: All staff members who are involved or would like to become involved in gaining and managing research funding

SPIRAL - Research Funding Peer Network - June 2022     show
This is a session of the Research Funding Peer Network, designed to connect and support those involved or interested to become involved in research funding.

Target Audience: All staff members who are involved or would like to become involved in gaining and managing research funding

SPIRAL - Research Funding Peer Network - March 2022     show
This is a session of the Research Funding Peer Network, designed to connect and support those involved or interested to become involved in research funding. It will focus on learning from successful grant & fellowship holders about their lessons learned, tips and experiences.

Target Audience: All staff members who are involved or would like to become involved in gaining and managing research funding

SPIRAL - Research Integrity in Practice     show
This highly interactive workshop suits anyone looking to enhance their own and other’s practice. Plenty of exploration of fundamentals, along with discussion and application to your situation. We aim to make the subject a lively and vital part of your daily practice as a researcher.

Target Audience: Anyone looking to enhance their own, or others' practice. Research & academic staff.

SPIRAL - Research Staff Induction     show
Research staff induction is targeted at Research Staff new to Strathclyde or new to a Research Staff role at Strathclyde. It provides an introduction to the support /opportunities available to help in your current role as well as an opportunity to meet some other Researchers.

Target Audience: Research Staff new to the University or new to a Research Staff role

SPIRAL – Research Writing Workshop     show
This informal, social writing workshop is intended for all staff who are looking for protected time and space to focus on their writing.

Target Audience: For academics, researchers, and knowledge exchange staff looking for protected time and space to work on writing.

SPIRAL – Researcher Careers Peer Network     show
This peer network is designed to support researchers in developing and managing their careers.

Target Audience: Research staff and all others involved in research who are interested in developing their career within or outside the R&D sector

SPIRAL - Researcher Meet-up     show
Monthly meet-up for researchers to connect with peers and learn about initiatives and services at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Research Staff (e.g. Research Assistants, Research Associates, Research Fellows)

SPIRAL - Researcher Meet-up - April 2022     show
This is a session of the monthly Researcher Meet-up, a series of informal get-togethers for researchers to connect with peers and learn about initiatives and services at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Research Staff (e.g. Research Assistants, Research Associates, Research Fellows)

SPIRAL - Researcher Meet-up - February 2022     show
This is a session of the monthly Researcher Meet-up, a series of informal get-togethers for researchers to connect with peers and learn about initiatives and services at Strathclyde. This session's topic is 'Research Data Management'.

Target Audience: Research Staff (e.g. Research Assistants, Research Associates, Research Fellows)

SPIRAL - Researcher Meet-up - January 2022     show
This is a session of the monthly Researcher Meet-up, a series of informal get-togethers for researchers to connect with peers and learn about initiatives and services at Strathclyde. This session's topic is 'End of contract'.

Target Audience: Research Staff (e.g. Research Assistants, Research Associates, Research Fellows)

SPIRAL - Researcher Meet-up - June 2022     show
This is a session of the monthly Researcher Meet-up, a series of informal get-togethers for researchers to connect with peers and learn about initiatives and services at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Research Staff (e.g. Research Assistants, Research Associates, Research Fellows)

SPIRAL - Researcher Meet-up - March 2022     show
This is a session of the monthly Researcher Meet-up, a series of informal get-togethers for researchers to connect with peers and learn about initiatives and services at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Research Staff (e.g. Research Assistants, Research Associates, Research Fellows)

SPIRAL - Researcher Meet-up - May 2022     show
This is a session of the monthly Researcher Meet-up, a series of informal get-togethers for researchers to connect with peers and learn about initiatives and services at Strathclyde.

Target Audience: Research Staff (e.g. Research Assistants, Research Associates, Research Fellows)

SPIRAL - Seven Secrets of Successful Research Supervision Online     show
You know what your research student should be doing, but it just does not seem to be happening. Despite your best efforts to set up good habits for your student, it does not work. Why is this, and what can you do to make completing a PHD easier for your students and for you?

Target Audience: For supervisors of doctoral research students

SPIRAL - Strathclyde Winter Writing Retreat     show
The Strathclyde Writing Retreat supports participants wishing to make significant progress on writing projects by allowing sufficient time to immerse themselves in the writing activity and to benefit from peer support.

Target Audience: For academics, researchers, and knowledge exchange staff looking for protected time and space to work on writing.

SPIRAL - The Importance of Impact in Research Careers     show
This workshop is about understanding the impact agenda and what this means for researchers.

Target Audience: For academics / researchers who need to develop their understanding of the impact agenda

SPIRAL - Turbocharge Your Writing (for staff) Online Session     show
Would you like to know the secret to high output, low stress scholarly writing? In academia it is often assumed that writing comes naturally. However, an overwhelming body of research shows that there are clear and practical strategies that can increase your writing productivity.

Target Audience: Academic/Research Staff, all levels

SPIRAL - UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Information Session     show
This open session will provide information about the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships scheme and Strathclyde’s related internal processes.

Target Audience: Research Staff and Early Career Academic Staff.

SPIRAL - UNIque Women's Online Career Development Programme     show
An online course run over six weeks for women in research staff roles across the UK considering their next career step.

Target Audience: Women in research staff roles planning their next career step

SPIRAL - Working with Policymakers: a Practical Guide     show
A practical introduction to engaging with policymakers in Scotland. This is an online talk followed by a Q & A session.

Target Audience: Researchers, KE Staff, ECRs, research directors, directors of impact.

SPIRAL: Improving Cost Recovery on Research Projects     show
Understand the different cost elements of a research project and how the recovery of institutional costs (overheads) can be improved when a research project is costed.

Target Audience: All staff involved in costing research projects, approving costings of research projects, or managing departmental/faculty finances in relation to research.

SPIRAL-Engaging 'Hard-to-Reach' Audiences/Widening Impact     show
This workshop will explore generalisable principles underpinning the successful delivery of a successful KE project and how they could be applied to a wide range of academic disciplines and audiences.

Target Audience: For academics, researchers, and knowledge exchange staff

Stats for the Fearful     show
This course starts with a reminder of basic statistics and then introduces the principles behind statistical inference and hypothesis testing. The emphasis is on interpreting outputs from such analysis as might appear in academic journals.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

STEP/SPIRAL - Delivering ad-hoc Lectures     show
The session is aimed at Early Career Researchers wishing, or expected, to deliver ad-hoc lectures and teaching sessions that may be unrelated to their own research or on core subject material.

Target Audience: Research Assistants, Research Associates and Research Fellows with little or no teaching experience.

Supervision and Making it Work for You     show
Of course, the supervisor’s role is just one aspect of that and another, rather critical, part is you and your contributions to it – how effective are they? Hopefully you’ve thought about such questions? If so, and if not, this workshop could be for you.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Supporting International Students     show
This workshop will explore key considerations for staff supervising international research students. This workshop can be used as a ‘Day-to-Day Supervision Skills’ option towards the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme.

Target Audience: All staff with a role in PG Research Supervision

Supporting Your Strathclyde PGR Student     show
This workshop will provide tools and advice on getting your postgraduate research students off to the best start at Strathclyde. It is a Core Workshop of the Strathclyde Supervisor Development Programme.

Target Audience: All staff with a role in PG Research Supervision

Sustainable Labs Lunch     show
S-Labs lunch catch-up

Target Audience: Current lab members and any new interested staff and students

Systematic Literature Reviews (SLRs) for Scientific Research     show
This course is most useful for those with little or no experience in performing systematic literature reviews. You will learn to develop your research questions, their search strings, suitable repositories, and significant guidelines for planning, conducting, and reporting SLRs.

Target Audience: 1st and 2nd year Postgraduate Researchers

Taking Charge of Your Time: Avoid Drifting     show
PhD study brings with it a whole host of unique time management challenges. It is an immense project, but few short-term deadlines and demands.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Techniques for Confident Professional Communication     show
This course provides the understanding and techniques to help individuals learn how to express themselves confidently and persuasively, whatever the situation.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

The 7 Secrets of Highly Successful Researchers     show
What do doctoral students do to finish on time, to overcome isolation, doubt and writer's block, and to enjoy the process? And just as importantly what do they do in order to spend guilt-free time with their family and friends and perhaps even have holidays?

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

The Art and Craft of Editing     show
Participants will learn how practical editing skills can improve their writing.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

The Faculty of Science Publication Challenge 2020     show
The Publication Challenge this year is focused on improving the quality and quantity of publications for research staff. It will draw on and share best practice from across the Faculty to give staff a series of workshops focussing on key aspects of academic publishing.

Target Audience: aimed at research staff who have some experience in writing papers, but want to write better papers.

Thesis Writing Bootcamp     show
This workshop explores the practicalities of thesis writing, including planning techniques, appropriate writing style and how to make writing more productive.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Three Minute Thesis Training     show
Participants will gain the knowledge and skills required to compete in the University of Strathclyde's Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Time and Self-Management for Researchers     show
Participants will learn to work with greater effectiveness, support their overall well-being and maximise their time and energy.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Time management, motivation & prioritising     show
Time management and motivation is not about working more, it’s about working smarter. This half day workshop is designed specifically for researchers who are interested in developing their time management skills and optimising their working hours.

Target Audience: PGR Students

Turbocharge Your Writing     show
Would you like to know the secret to high output, low stress scholarly writing? In academia it is often assumed that writing comes naturally. However, an overwhelming body of research shows that there are clear and practical strategies that can increase your writing productivity.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Understanding Research Metrics.     show
Topics that will be covered Journal-Level, Article-Level, and Author-Level metrics.

Target Audience: PhD Students, Staff, Researchers.

Using Web of Science for research     show
How to use Web of Science to find out about developments in your research field.

Target Audience: Staff and PostGraduates

Value of Research and Scholarship to Users Workshop     show
This course is part of the SBS Writing Programme of Events for all staff and PGR students.

Target Audience: SBS Staff & PGR Students

VIP Networking Event     show
A networking and information event for the Vertically Integrated Projects. This event aims to foster greater connectivity and interaction between the current projects as well as raise awareness of the types of projects running.

Target Audience: Staff and Students

Viva Survivor     show
Viva Survivor is a session for postgraduate researchers close to submission who want to gain insight on how to be well prepared for their viva.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Writing and Presenting Research     show
Participants will learn generic skills required for academic research, and explore the issues associates with writing and presenting research for academic and non-academic purposes.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Writing for Impact     show
Participants will learn to communicate messages about their work effectively to a wide audience.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Writing With Confidence - Year 1     show
Participants will explore writing in the 1st year of the doctorate, covering writing about the literature, using writing to develop their own style, and to manage an evolving research project.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Writing With Confidence - Year 2     show
Participants will explore issues relevant to writing in the 2nd year of the doctorate. Particular emphasis is given to the difficulty managing an evolving project, understanding the demands and structure of research writing and applying that knowledge.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Writing With Confidence - Year 3     show
Participants will explore a range of topics pertinent to the final stages of writing up a doctoral thesis. It deals with tasks and issues important to finishing off a thesis, such as the difficulties of editing a large document and writing to deadlines.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Writing With Confidence & Getting Going With Academic Writing     show
Participants will learn processes, habits and methods to kickstart the writing process, work with feedback and learn from good practice.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students

Your PhD What Next?     show
Participants learn how to develop long term self-management skills for future career progressions. We will consider the current job market and landscape and provide advice on how to keep up to date with relevant labour market intelligence to support career progression.

Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students