• Training Room

    Creating a Good Supervision Relationship
    Provider   Researcher Development Programme

    The relationship between the PhD student and their supervisors is the backbone of the PhD process.

Duration 1 half day

Course Type Webinar

Booking Status Waiting List

Is this course right for me?

Target Audience: PGR Students

Good supervision relationships will enhance the quality of the research work and the experience of the PhD as a whole, and may last well beyond the completion of the PhD. Poor supervision relationships can become an obstacle to overcome rather than a positive underpinning. Whatever the rules and regulations about supervision in each university, successful supervision is based on mutually respectful, constructive relationships between people. The early stages of a PhD provide the perfect opportunity to lay the foundations for the supervision relationships so that they will provide appropriate support for each student, based on their individual needs and the requirements of each stage of the PhD process.

The secret to good supervision relationships is to see them as a partnership, something which students may overlook in the early days of their PhDs, when they lack confidence in their expertise and clarity about the direction of their work. This course will give students the opportunity to consider what they need from their PhD supervisors, now and in the future and help them take responsibility to create a framework for the interactions with their supervisors that will best fulfil these needs. The course will provide students with techniques to manage their perspectives and their behaviour in respect of their supervision relationships, ensuring they are active partners in constructing clear, respectful communication and minimising the impact of any problems that may arise.

During this 2hr webinar, participants will:

• Understand the role of the supervisor and manage their expectations of the supervision process.
• Decide what they will need most from their supervisors and what they will do to create a partnership that fulfils these needs.
• Learnt techniques to conduct communication with their supervisors in order to create a respectful, productive relationship, irrespective of personalities or power.

Delivered By: Fistral Training


Cancellation Policy

If you are unable to attend a course please cancel your place as soon as possible, with at least 3 working days notice via the online booking system

PG Certificate in Researcher Professional Development

All postgraduate research students are eligible to access the Researcher Development Programme workshops. This workshop can contribute towards the PG Certificate in Researcher Professional Development (PG Cert RPD).

You can find credit and class information in the Researcher Development Programme Handbook and in NEPTUNE (Engineering, HaSS) or SPIDER (Science).

Please check with your department or Supervisor to confirm if you are enrolled on the PG Cert RPD and how many credits you are expected to achieve if you are unsure.