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Target Audience: Postgraduate Research Students
This online training course provides participants with tools and techniques to proactively identify and respond to risks within their own project environment. Uncertainty is inherent in any type of project, particularly so within research, making it difficult to plan. This uncertainty is called risk.
This webinar focuses on considering and addressing risks and uncertainty at the very initial planning stages and using all of the Project Planning artefacts (introduced in other webinars) as methods of identifying potential threats or opportunities. It also introduces new techniques to unearth problems proactively in advance of them occurring. Identifying methods to assess the likelihood and impact of risks allows focus on the most serious potential issues.
The session then discusses methods of proactively responding to these risks in advance, rather than reactively during project execution when the focus should be on the work itself. Finally, this online session considers – for risks that cannot be addressed (or the "unknown unknowns") – how much time or budget should reasonably be held in reserve as contingency. This approach ensures evidence-based planning of risks and risk responses.
By the end of this webinar participants will have:
- Learned various techniques for identifying sources of potential issues and risks in their projects
- Understood what makes a well-formatted risk
- Considered methods for assessing the likelihood and impact of project risks
- Learned methods for dealing with unacceptable risks proactively
- Been shown how to calculate and integrate contingency into their plans for acceptable risks
- Applied the techniques shown to a risk register for their own project
Delivered By: Dr Fraser Robertson, Fistral Training & Consultancy Ltd
Recommended attendance at an Intro-level PM as follows: Onsite courses - Project Management in the Real World; OR Online courses - Introduction to Project Planning (1-day or Parts 1,2 and 3) If you are unable to attend a course please cancel your place as soon as possible, with at least 3 working days notice via the online booking system Full details of booking conditions can be found at the link below:Related Materials
Find out more about the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM):Useful Links
Find out about the opportunities available to you as postgradaute researcher:PG Certificate in Researcher Professional Development
All postgraduate research students are eligible to access the Researcher Development Programme workshops. This workshop can contribute towards the PG Certificate in Researcher Professional Development (PG Cert RPD).
You can find credit and class information in the Researcher Development Programme Handbook and in NEPTUNE (Engineering, HaSS) or SPIDER (Science).
Please check with your department or Supervisor to confirm if you are enrolled on the PG Cert RPD and how many credits you are expected to achieve if you are unsure.