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Target Audience: Academic Staff
Teaching with videos is a complementary method to the blended-learning approach, where videos and live sessions are balanced to support those who cannot attend the lecture. But, even live sessions that take place in an online environment like Zoom can be enhanced with the right educational tools and techniques. This session aims to present the features, tools, and techniques to deliver a Zoom lecture that is engaging, productive and successful.
The features covered in this session are:
- Zoom or alternative recordings.
- Main menu options.
- Participants control and settings.
- Chat and non-verbal communication.
- Share-screen, whiteboard & annotation.
- Breakout rooms.
- MS Stream upload and editing transcriptions.
- Myplace/MS Stream share.
The purpose is to both demonstrate the feature and the best practices to design a well-balanced lecture, of an appropriate length, and utilising breakout rooms in a productive way. This session also aims to give you a guide on how to smart record, saving time from redoing material, re-purpose, efficiency, as well as how to upload and share with the students.
Delivered By: The SBS Digital Learning Team