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Target Audience: Any staff involved in learning and teaching
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) empowers people to change the way they think and work towards a sustainable future. These skills and competencies need to be embedded in every graduate from our University, and so through our ESD working group and the Centre for Sustainable Development, we want to ensure we support and equip the staff at Strathclyde with the skills, tools and inspiration they need to mainstream sustainable development across all of our teaching and learning.
There are lots of ways to get involved in ESD within the University and we’d like to take the chance to tell you more about current programmes and up and coming training opportunities. Join us to hear from teaching staff from across the faculties within Strathclyde, and also from our future training partners, Engineers Without Borders (UK) (they particularly look forward to engaging with non Engineering Faculty members!).
Course Outcomes/Objectives;
- Consider the skills and tools to support education for sustainable development
- Find out more about the future training series
Delivered By: ESD Working Group and Centre for Sustainable Development