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Target Audience: Everyone at Strathclyde
Tracy Black. Director CBI Scotland 24 March 2-3
A recognised thought-leader within the Scottish business community, Tracy regularly appears on platforms alongside Scotland’s foremost political and business leaders and has a growing reputation as an essential economic commentator.
Alongside a varied and distinguished career in the financial services sector, where she worked with top tier global financial institutions like Goldman Sachs International and UBS AG, Tracy has experience of working with a range of SMEs and entrepreneurial start-ups, particularly spin-outs from the higher education sector.
In addition to professional roles, Tracy has been actively involved in leadership and mentoring programmes, in particular working with school children, prisoners and ex-offenders. She also sits on the Boards of Skills Development Scotland, The University of Strathclyde Enterprise & Investment Committee and Chairs the ScotRail Alliance Stakeholder Panel.
Delivered By: Tracy Black