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    Carbon Literacy Training at Strathclyde
    Provider   Sustainable Strathclyde

    The University of Strathclyde is rolling out Carbon Literacy to 21 mixed cohorts of staff and students before the COP26 Climate Summit in November 2021.

Duration 3 sessions

Course Type Series

Booking Status Waiting List

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Target Audience: All Staff and Students

Carbon Literacy is relevant climate change learning that catalyses action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Carbon Literacy Project works to provide access to this learning to everyone who lives, works and studies and is expanding rapidly across the UK and beyond.

The Carbon Literacy Project is based on the key aim that if we are to cut our carbon emissions by the kind of reductions demanded of us by science, then we will need to change culture alongside technology.

To complete the training, you will take part in three Zoom-based workshop sessions as well as independent learning. Each cohort will finish with pledging individual and group actions for sustainability. Each of these sessions will include:

  • Week 1 (self-study): Understanding the urgency of climate change
  • Week 1 (Zoom workshop): Exploring our carbon footprints
  • Week 2 (self-study): How climate change will impact Scotland
  • Week 2 (Zoom workshop): Climate Justice and Climate Solutions
  • Week 3 (self-study): How to reduce our carbon footprints
  • Week 3: (Zoom workshop): Pledging actions and climate change communication

The University of Strathclyde is currently working towards BRONZE Carbon Literate Organisation accreditation and, through, completing this training you will help us move towards this goal.


This training is accredited by the Carbon Literacy Project who are working in partnership with the University of Strathclyde to develop our training resources and make them bespoke to the impacts and opportunities of climate change and solutions in Glasgow! 

Delivered By: Sustainable Strathclyde


There are no pre-requisites to this training. For those who don't have an existing interest in sustainability and climate change, the course will act as an accessible introduction. For those who have an interest already, the course will create space and be flexible for you to discuss ideas, take this interest further and discover actions we can take individually and as a University!

Related Materials

To find out more about the training, please visit: