Is this course right for me?
Target Audience: Staff who are responsible for leading change or improvement initiatives.
This course is aimed at developing your skills and confidence when facilitating improvement workshops. The session is broken down into three areas:
- Understanding what it means to facilitate
This will explore your current perception and experiences of both good and bad facilitation, and the many roles of a facilitator
- Developing the skills of a good facilitator
This will focus on how you can develop your skills such as increased self-awareness, use of open questions, improved active listening, with the ability to practice these in group discussions. The ability to read the room and deal with dominant or challenging participants will also be explored
- How to plan and facilitate improvement workshops
This will outline the practical steps required for planning and facilitating an improvement workshop, as well as post-workshop good practice. This includes the design of workshop activities to achieve the necessary outcome of the workshop, and to encourage positive participation
Delivered By: Continuous Improvement
n/aImportant Information
This course will be dlivered via Zoom and details will be issued prior to the session