• Training Room

    EndNote Desktop
    Provider   Library Services

    EndNote is a type of reference management software that enables users to manage references and import them directly into Word documents.

Duration 1 hour

Course Type Webinar

Booking Status Waiting List

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Target Audience: Postgraduate students and staff

EndNote is a type of reference management software that enables users to manage references and import them directly into Word documents.

The EndNote course is a practical introduction to EndNote that covers all functionality available in the programme.

Skills covered include:

  • Create a reference library
  • Manage a reference library
  • Import references directly from online databases
  • Enter citations into your word processed documents
  • Have automatically generated bibliographies formatted in different styles
  • The course is taught using the latest version of EndNote (20) on Windows.

This session will be delivered via Zoom. 

The taught part of the session will last one hour and there will be 15 mins at the end of the session for questions.

Delivered By: Library Services



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This is a non-credit bearing course.