Is this course right for me?
Target Audience: AFRC Staff
This course provides staff involved with the engagement of external service providers, with an understanding of legal duties involved in the selection and control of external service providers and the problems that can arise if external service providers are not managed properly. Additionally it explains the correct use of the S7 form within the process for managing external service providers.
Delivered By: Safety Services
We want our training sessions to run at full capacity to ensure value for money and to get the most from group interactions and discussions. Cancelling attendance at a course should only be done as a last resort (some of our sessions are delivered by external training providers and we would incur a high fee if we need to cancel sessions based on low numbers). Demand is high for our training sessions with many having a waiting list and when a booking is made, others are turned away on the strength of that booking. If you have to cancel a training session we would appreciate as much notice as possible (at least 48 hours), and this can be done via the "Go To My Bookings" link.
Related Materials
Local Rule: Engaging External Service Providers and supporting guidance.-